Transfer data to AWS EC2 instance using FileZilla

Pratik Choudhari
2 min readMar 28, 2022


A simple yet helpful trick up your sleeves

Lets assume that a AWS EC2 instance is already up and running in your account. The task is to transfer files into and out of EC2 without much complexity, this can be solved via the FTP protocol or the better SFTP protocol(an FTP protocol with data encryption).

On creating a EC2 VM, AWS provides the user with a private key file and the SSH port is open by default. As SFTP works on SSH, port 22 is used for file transfer, hence, user does not have to open any additional ports.

FileZilla is a free FTP and SFTP client for Windows, Mac and Linux. Open FileZilla and navigate to the File in Menu Bar and click on Site Manager

Navigate to Site Manager

Once Site Manager opens, a list of all sites added are listed, these sites indicates the connections added into FileZilla. Go ahead and click on New Site

Site Manager window

Give a name to your site and select SFTP from the Protocol drop down. Next, click on Logon Type and select Key File. Key File means user has to provide a Private Key file which will be used to authenticate the server via SSH protocol.

Fill in the remaining details and that’s it! FileZilla must now be able to list the directory structure on the Remote side listing on the main window.



Pratik Choudhari
Pratik Choudhari

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